2024 HeartMath Opportunity
​Please Join Us!
Who? You! Yes, you!
What? This seminar is a science-based workshop used by major hospital systems, Fortune 500 companies, private trainers, and consultants worldwide. Pastor Tim is certified by HeartMath® and teaches in both religious and non-religious settings.
You will learn and practice simple, life changing, in-the-moment techniques that can lead to better health, decreased anxiety, and increased ability to be compassionate, courageous, focused, kind, and resilient (greater capacity to "prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, adversity, or challenge.")
It may sound cliché, but we live in unprecedented times. (And let's be honest, the coming months leading up to the presidential elections are almost certain to become more challenging, not less!)
Unfortunately, most of us have never been taught the skills we need to face the stress, anxiety, frustration, political division, and social upheaval that we now experience on a daily basis.
When? The seminar will take place after our Sunday morning Service on September 8, 15, 29, and October 6. (Notice: we will not be meeting on September 22.)
While each of the four classes will build on what was taught in earlier sessions, you will be able to fully participate even if you are unable to attend them all.
Our services last from 10:30 until 11:30 and are followed by refreshments and an opportunity for socializing.
Of course, we would love for you to join us for worship.
However, if do not wish to do so, all you have to do is arrive at 11:30! You will not be judged or shamed for "skipping church." Simply grab a cup of coffee and something to eat and join us for the class from 11:45 to 12:45.
HeartMath® is not a religious organization and this is not a religious or evangelistic seminar. All of the content is suitable for people of any (or no) faith background or philosophical tradition. You will not be pressured to change churches, faith traditions, or commit to any ongoing relationship with our congregation. You will not be asked to buy anything or required to provide your contact information.
Why? At the Community Reformed Church, we believe in the importance of holistic well-being. For us, that is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of the Christian faith. We don't just care about people's "spiritual lives;" we believe everyone is a unique and beautiful combination of body, mind, and spirit. We also believe that everyone is created in the image of God, not just people who believe like we do, talk like we do, or think like we do. (And yes, we mean everyone.)
We are offering this opportunity to the entire community and for free because we hope it will help all of us be better people and, therefore, make our community a better community.
HeartMath® is appropriate for people of all ages and all backgrounds.
Yes, you can bring your kids and your family - please do!
Yes, you are invited and will be warmly welcomed regardless of your beliefs, ethnicity, or background!
Yes, you will be respected, and we will do everything we can to honor your safety and create a space where you can bravely become a better version of you!
Where? We will be meeting in the church building at 90 Plandome Rd. Simply go up the stone steps, and enter the red, double-doors at the base of the bell tower.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Tim (email pastor@crcmanhasset.org or use the form at the bottom of this page)
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.